02 March 2010

"Art is the best means of propaganda"

I believe art is a very good means of propaganda and more specifically design. Design sells a product and if it communicates to the viewer in the way the company was hoping, their product will sell. So doing good design is very important in today's culture.

The most interesting part of this reading, for me, was the history of design and where it started. I thought it was interesting that design was first thought of as "decoration- a legacy of the past." And how design was considered ' a woman's job,' where the men took care of the business obstacles and the women "decorate." This was very interesting to me just because I never though of design as just decoration. So that helps me realize how much the design industry has grown and developed.

"To many designers, art/design is a cultural mission in which life and work are inseparable." This is a great point that Rant made. Today you have to create everything towards a certain individual in today's society. You have to connect life and means of life to what you create and work on. They need to collaborate together to create a design/artwork that will fully communicate to the people or industry.

For Fun: Paul Rand's Eye, Bee, M poster at the end of the article was really cool. I am a little slower than most people and it took me a few seconds to realize what it was saying ("eyebumblebeem"..."OH! I B M") and then I laughed out loud!!!


  1. Don't worry I did the same thing with that poster, at first I was looking at it and thought that is a really creepy poster what are they trying to sell and then I was like ohhhhhhh...! I agreed about the design being for women a shock to me as well.
    I understand why they thought decorating is a woman's job but I never thought of design as strictly decorating either. So, I am glad that has changed because it goes to show that our generation knows better.
    Hopefully nothing in the art/design world is thought of as decorating or just pretty woman's work. I would like to make something with an underlying message a message that is not just "ohh, how pretty!" I know that you probably feel the same way.

  2. ... if you were intetested in the idea of "woman's work" in art you might like to take Dr Knowles class on woman in art history...


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