02 March 2010

Total Rant

This reading was interesting but I did find much in it for me to take away because it felt to me like it was making design this over glorified field in which all the planets must align for everything to be perfect, but I did enjoy how the article talked about the history in how the design field as we know it was started and how design and product have to come together in the perfect balance for the company and the product to do well.

What I took from the article was that things must be designed accordingly. If something works well but does not appeal to a certain level of quality then no one will want it no matter how good it looks. Then on the other hand it can be beautiful to look at and not work at all but no one will care about how beautiful it looks if it does not work well. Everything has to come together to make it work.

Designers have to consider how people will respond to it by knowing the basics of human behavior. For example, it is best to design a product that will respond the best to the human body and that will make people feel that it will make their life easier. Then when you start dipping into that power are we being deceitful, no we should use these basic understandings and needs of human beings to create products, solutions and companies that create for the greater good. Who really needs another drill but when it is a drill that has taken into consideration the weight in one’s hand and the curve of one’s palm. Why not have the most comfortable and the easiest to use?

The major dilemma in the life of a designer in which they need to decide what they want to design. Who needs another Coke or another T.V., no one but designers find ways to present that we do. Round and round we go where we will stop no one knows. Designers could design things to better suit our souls other than our needs. What do we need? To stop isolating ourselves? To speak out? To clean up? What is it that we really need?

I do not know how I got to talking about this and I know this is not related so much to the reading anymore but this is what is on my mind after that reading. The idea that every aspect, reason, and talent needs to align just right and we have to know ourselves well enough to discover what we will do with this cosmic power.


  1. I think it is interesting where your mind went after reading the article. I like how your mind went to "what do we need?". I think that is an important question for a designer/artist to ask themselves.

  2. I too enjoyed this,
    it is something that I have been thinking about a lot lately, why are so many companies inventing problems to solve rather than focusing on the ones that exist currently to begin with?

    I also really like the idea of thinking of it as "this cosmic power"
    It really is.


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