04 March 2010

Good Design is Goodwill Response

This reading is not at all what I had expected it to be. I kept waiting for it to talk about goodwill, but instead it seems like a tutorial on the field of design as a whole. But, I did find it interesting that it discussed a topic that we in class talked about a few Mondays ago.

It is true that there is this love and hate relationship between the designer and the infinate number of people that have their input on a single design. There are always committees, marketing groups and of course management spewing out their ideas and opinions. Sometimes this can be beneficial, but on the other hand it can be extremely frustrating. My personal experiences in advertising were very frustrating for me because I had to deal with management who micro-managed and changed EVERYTHING the design team did. My frustration had nothing to do with not being able to constructive critism, I welcome that, but I hated that the management had absolutely NO design or art background.

I realize this is one of the obstacles that a designer must face when entering the work force. And I wish I had been better prepared for that experience, I had no idea what it was really going to be like. So although the reading was not what I had expected, I think it was something important to read and think about for those who are graduating soon and entering the design world.

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