05 February 2010

Locality Never Takes a Day Off

Planning ahead throughout the week, I had much different plans to take action in as i'm sure a lot of you did also. Just to throw them out there, I really wanted to jump out of myself to have an experience that would get at my nerves and leave me with a great deal of satisfaction afterword. For example, walking into a Buddhist temple or a Mosque. We have so many diverse people in the world that surround us, and the approach to take in diversity in usually is by word of mouth. I also wanted to take a technique I used last semester, making video compositions out of photo stills. It's easy to be out of my own comfort zone in tranquil areas such as south eastern Ohio, or really anything with an object/s of some sort to focus on, or make art from. I have never attempted to sit in a field and take in my surroundings, or even make a time lapse out of something that I take advantage of assuming there is nothing of visual value. I really like the thrill of being adventurous, especially if it's somewhere i'm not supposed to be. However, places such as a Buddhist temple, is completely nerve-racking to me as I don't know much about them, other than they are open to everyone and every belief.

My daily comfort zone isn't exactly a routine, but it is quite a list. Technology is the biggest problem we have. We develop routines that become somewhat an addiction. The scale of feeling complete or a high urge to check on something is a daily occurrence. Most of us check the same website excessively in one day. Whether it's facebook, the news, email or more we can learn or find out just about anything without making one word to another.
I'm not going to lie, I did get on my facebook eventually. And to be honest I was still taking abstinence from most of techno-addictions when I logged on to facebook without even thinking about it.
Being snowed in creates a lot of boredom, no matter how busy your day. Since friday-sunday is devoted to design I had to cut out my comfort zone in that area. I decided to cut out one of my biggest comforts, music. Designing morning, day and night was awful without music! I felt a need to have something else in my attention span than snow plows making new pot holes. In school, or a work place I am content with the simple background noise of people talking. Here, I really wanted to at least turn the tv on for a background noise, however that also was cut out my life for a day stuck inside, which I really have no problem with. No music. No cell phone. No television. No internet generated noises.
With such complete silence I was able to design fine for a little less than the first half of a whole day. Eventually my deprived senses got to me, as i found most of the remainder was distracted by my eyes drifting to the window to watch the snow fall. I got up and walked around more than I would in class, work, or with music playing to keep my attention a little more satisfied. On a vacation, or in company of another person I can easily forget about my phone, reject the use of internet and leave the tv off. For something based on visual technique, it was quite hard to be completely whole without my other senses stimulated.

1 comment:

  1. I think you make some really interesting points. This has kind of reminded me of what I did for this assignment. It is quite easy to get "lost in locality" by our everyday distractions. The crazy part about all of this is that it just does not click until something is not complete or we mess up on something that we were supposed to do. Point well taken. Good Post.


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