05 February 2010

But, really, what is locality?

I am going to take a risk on this and tell everyone that I did not get lost on purpose by driving somewhere.I decided to get lost on purpose not by physically driving to a location and getting completly lost but rather instead I decided to get lost by loosing my sense of focus--on purpose.

To many individuals this may seem really strange but bare with me. Locality is defined by webster as "a particular place, situation, or location." But, this definition also can easily be centered within the mind. In my mind, I can be lost, I can be in a particular place, location,and in a certain situation--all in the mind. I would also remind us that majority of our actions begin in the mind so in order to get lost, something has to be going on in the mind rather it is on purpose or not--therefore, if you are lost physically, you are lost mentally as well--because you have a mindset of being lost therefore, your brain knows--WOW, we are lost! :)

So, now that I explained my brief reasoning for getting lost in the mind on purpose, I will tell you what I discovered. I discovered that as this blog relates to locality that it is important as designers to know first where you are in the mind as it will have either a positve or negative influence on your work.

Now, as I went to my own personal locality--(at work--my desk), I relaxed and begin writing this blog.--(Which, if I had known I can log in from here last week than I would not have an unexpected impact but...another topic)......

I realized that life is an amazing gift and it is an amazing thing beyond words that enables us to do simple things like log into a blog and post comments, or express our thoughts in a classroom but the most essential thing I learned while completing this assignment is that locality can mean anything. When it comes to our careers, our morals, values and beliefs our locality will be the center piece of all our decisions as locality most of the time can begin within the mind whether you are standing, or sitting, whether you are in another country or in your backyard.....your reflecting on something....what you do with that reflection is entirely up to you.....

In deep contemplation about locality,
Britt. L. B.


  1. This reminds me of something I was thinking about during my reflection, it sounds kind of "new age" but: Thoughts are actions.
    They don't occupy a physical presence, but there effects are completely physical. The wind breaks my window(physical cause and effect), I decide to replace it and it gets replaced(mental cause, physical effect). We are what we think, and that makes the potential for beautiful and great things limitless.

  2. I felt the same way about being lost. I felt it was a mindset not necessarily a physical location also. I can know where I am physically and get lost in thought or lost in a project...


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