31 January 2010

4 day Impact

Day 1:
I, along with Mac and Ally, went to see a free showing and discussion of In Transition at the Drexel, which I linked in an earlier post. This was very motivating until the comment period after the screening in which most of the people who made comments seemed to go out of their way to find negative things to dwell on. We were also the youngest in the crowd by about 10 years.
On this day I also neglected to pick up some keys and ODU ID that I saw on the sidewalk by Fitzpatrick Hall. I honestly do not know what made me decide not to pick them up, but for some reason I was in a very self centered head space at that moment and "just wanted to get 'home.' " I began to feel very guilty about this over the following hours until I logged on to Facebook and saw one of my friend's status proclaiming they had lost their keys, which made me feel extra guilty as there was then a face and name attached. They did get their keys back that day due to the impact of one of their other friends who were not feeling so selfish that day.

Day 2:
I decided that though I usually make an effort to make eye contact and smile at people in public places I would make a greater effort throughout the week to do this no matter my mood. My efforts were met with the expected mix of friendliness and avoidance, as Corey noted this was biased towards the opposite sex and older generations responding positively more often

Day 3:
I had a hard time coming up with an idea for impact on this day. Fortunately one found me. A friend from my old job at The Blue Danube sent me a message saying that work was slow, she was sick and not having a very good day. I went in for a number of hours and ate and drank keeping her company durring the slow hours and hearing out her gripes of nasty customers and conflict with the kitchen staff. This worked well for both of us as I believe I brightened her day up slightly and I had a very merry meal and drinks at my old employee price, so we both got some positive impact (You're the best Amanda!)

Day 4:
I decided to follow Megan's lead and do something which I had been wanting to do for a long time, post signs with something impact driven on them. However, as campus is nearly deserted from Friday through Sunday I decided not to post them until tonight (Sunday) so that they may be there on Monday morning for more people to see. I decided to start with (I plan to keep putting up subversive and postitive driven quotes and messages throughout the semester, now that I've started) a quote I found from Jiddu Krishnamurti which was paraphrased in one of the Love Police's videos:

Krishnamurti was a Tamil (I believe) born in India who is well known for his writtings on spiritual and philosophical writings (his wikipedia description: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiddu_Krishnamurti )

I also decided to try an experiment (hopefully it will yield positive impact!) with the notion of "Approved" signs. (also something I've been wanting to try for a while now):

I don't know who runs the Studnet Activities Office, but I think they are pretty cool for approving my poster! ; )

1 comment:

  1. This comment was "Approved by Studnet Activities Office" So many doors are open now!


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