30 January 2010

Day 1: The first day of impact I was leaving work (for those that don't know I work at an elementary after school program) and as I was leaving there was a little girl running into the school and as she was running she was wearing a tutu and I just so happened to scream "Hey, I like your tutu!!" Anyways that was really unlike me and in return she said thanks than as she got to the door she turned back around and screamed "Hey, thanks for saying that!" I was kind of like 'Wow, that was nice of her' and she really just loved that i complemented her little rainbow tutu.

Day 2: I was in my Bioethics class and there is a girl that sits in a row across and up from me that many people find as akward. Well, a lot of people make fun of her everyday and this day, going totally out of my element, I turned around in class and said "Hey, you guys need to stop!" I turned back around and was kind of shocked I said something but the girls shut up right away and it was a total impact on them.

Day 3: Today I gave all the kids hugs at work when they came in! It was awesome! Some of them actually started running towards me with their faces lit up! I decided to make it a daily thing when I go to work now because they loved it so much! Those kids look up to you as an adult and they love when you show personal attention to each individual!

Day 4: I was in class Thursday and I really had a bad day and Megan didn't know this but I was running out of time to impact somebody, but actually Megan was the one that impacted me. Not only did she yawn and right after it made me yawn, but then she hugged me. It was the sweetest embrace, she wasn't just hugging me but she cared and it was pretty awesome! THANKS MEGAN!!! for impacting me : )

Day 5: Friday at work I decided to FINALLY bring a garbage can into work. We go through sooooooooo many water bottles but they don't have ANY recycling bins there. I told them I would bring a garbage can so we can start recycling the bottles and I will bring them to school everytime we get a full bin. They loved the idea and after the work day there were 6 water bottles in the bin. (There are 5 people that I work with!) Gotta start somewhere, right?!!!

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