02 February 2010


Ok, so understanding that I will be posting this after everyone has clearly moved on to another topic of discussion by now I hope that I will receive at least one reader:)

As you all heard briefly in class I was TRULY impacted by a panic attack as I went to my computer Friday evening after getting off of work at 11 pm to input all my great details of what I impacted throughout the week and was....well...you should know the rest of the story....

Anyhow, this is how the week went:

Tuesday-Impact 1

I called a family member this evening only to find out that they now had in their house what people know today as bed bug's?! Ahh, and so this same evening they had to throw away all their furniture leaving them with no option but to sleep on the floor. I immediately went to Walgreen's and purchased 3 huge blow up beds and delivered them. They were very excited and I consider myself to impact them because
it was unexpected to them; they didn't know what to expect. In fact they thanked me to many times, to the point I left...it was overbearing :)

Wednesday-Impact 2

I went to work as usual after class and I had a really good conversation with a Hispanic individual who told me that because of my efforts to assist him and go beyond by attempting to speak Spanish even though I don't know how to speak the language fluently, that one day I would change the world. This was TRULY a heart felt moment for me and I made an impact and did not intend to do so; at the same time impact came back in my direction as well.

Thursday-Impact 3

At the Aquinas Convocation, I experienced impact by receiving an enlightenment about some things that I never thought of as it related to my decision to come to a Catholic University. However, I also was able to impact someone else by taking notes. Yes, through the simplicity of just taking NOTES! There was an older lady beside me who was from the community, she said her son had attended ODU a while ago and that it was good to see young students interested in these types of things(the convocation),....even though I initially was not. I told her this information eventually and she said well, it still does not matter, you have made the effort to go beyond--by taking notes. She said from that small piece, I can see that you will go far. :) How encouraging!

Friday-Impact 4

I was at good old Chase. I went to lunch with an individual that I wanted to know more about, he is quite interesting and always has really good conversations. I began to ask him certain things and somehow we got on the topic of forgiveness. I impacted him by simply asking the right questions and the next day we went to the mall and we are now developing a really good friendship--off of open conversations!~~it's TRULY amazing.

*** So as you can see, my week of impact was very interesting*** But, the key thing I got out of it all was that none of these things were big and in fact, none of these things I did were on purpose to make an impact. I was simply being who I am and still made an impact this way. A simple class, with a small assignment to track our impact led to an open friendship, and many encouraging words. TRULY--this is a beautiful thing.

Yours TRULY for the IMPACT of the Common Good,

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