15 January 2010

What are we doing to oursleves?

This book was a lot more interesting than I thought but as I was flying through it all I could think about was what if we are too late. All of the topics affect us because it is our world that we are destroying. Design has affected the economy to be what it is now or what it is lacking now, everyone striving for even the most menial of jobs just to get by. Are we really changing anything to make a better future? All we hear now is how we need to recycle and we need to go green but is anyone really able to make the sacrifice?

The one statement that really hit me is where Berman is talking about the ship and the iceberg and that we will have to make changes now to avoid the “iceberg” because if we are too late we will inevitably die. WOW! I have never thought of it before but that really brought things into perspective to me. I have always been a bit of a worry wart about issues and sometimes get on kicks about certain causes but thinking back I have never really done anything to change these situations. I can talk until I am blue in the face to people about these issues but will it do anything and have I, nope. I lack the ability to follow through which is the problem most people seem to have. It almost seems impossible or not worth the fight because a lot of people are against you but now all I can think of is what does it take?

I think it affects me in the fact that there cannot be anymore waiting around for someone else to speak up. Our generation needs to take charge and change these habits before our planet our entire species or any more species are wiped out. No more worrying about what’s the newest technology I don’t need but I want in my house. I tend to fall in love with new things just like anyone else and I have never realized just how much influence ads and commercials have. It is a good feeling to have a nice shiny new toy especially when the ad makes it seem like our lives will be easier, but after reading this I feel like our way is doing something wrong. We buy all these new things thinking or hoping that it will fill this void in our lives but it doesn’t. I know that sometimes I feel I need this or that to be able to do certain things or to feel better about how my day went but in the end I never do.


  1. I don't think you are alone in wanting new and shiny toy or hoping that the latest thing is going to make your day or fix your problems. I think this is a natural way of consuming for a lot of people.
    But it starts with one person. It begins with the realization that there is a problem and that there needs to be change. Maybe you haven't been able to make a dint in past issues, but in this class I really believe we have the opportunity to do so. This is our chance to do a little bit more than speak until we are blue in the face.

  2. "Success, recognition, and conformity are the bywords of the modern world where everyone seems to crave the anesthetizing
    security of being identified with the majority." -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    This quote made me think of what you are addressing. If our generation does not become a generation that is able to speak up and speak out regardless of what others are doing or what hottest trends/technology are new, we will not make a difference. But, I personally, have a good feeling about our generation. I would also agree with Sheena, it does start with one person. Excellent post! Very timely as well. Thanks for sharing.


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