29 January 2010

Reflecting on IMPACT

Well all of my IMPACT ideas went excruciatingly horrible and I am not real sure if any of them worked but at least I learned what not to do and how to expand on my ideas to make them a little more successful.
DAY 1:
I decided that anyone who made eye contact with me I would smile at and well some people smiled back awkwardly and sometimes I forgot and would draw back myself. I never realized how difficult it is to make eye contact with people. Why do we fear contact with others?
So, I realized that I need to put myself out there more and I realized how isolated people have really become. I would like to see our community go back to caring about one another and making those personal connections that we fear so much.
I decided to carry all of the trash that I accumulated in one day. I noticed that I barely filled half of a garbage bag. I also noticed that instead of try to limit the trash that I accumulated I tried to maximize it for a greater effect which was the complete opposite of what I was trying to do. I wanted to try and reduce as much as I could but kept thinking about how undramatic it looked and felt it would not make much of a difference.
learned though that maybe I should have done it for a week and them it would have worked out more and I learned that I am not that wasteful physically but I am energy wasteful, so if I could find a way to represent that then I think it would be more successful.
Let me know if you think of any ideas, please?
DAY 3:
I chose to take my trash to Erskine to demonstrate how much trash I and other students accumulate in a 24hour period, but only three students showed up and it was still less then half a bag of trash so it back fired.
I learned though that we should include others besides those in our class and maybe expand the time period to a week, lay out more specific rules and to make a more dramatic demonstration we could have dumped the trash on a tarp in Erskine and sorted it out in a certain way. That could have made this demonstration on human waste more powerful and dramatic.
DAY 4:
I have always been concerned about abortions but since it is such a sensitive subject and I do not like to get into arguments or confrontations I have always been quiet about it. So, I really wanted to do something to get information out about how disturbing this situation has gotten and how most people do not even know what or how it happens. First, I thought of printing off fliers with aborted babies on them and then put safe sex phrases and statistics on the posters to really bring this situation into public eye. But, I have to admit I backed down because of fear of getting into trouble and of dealing with closed minded people.
Instead I went and researched the stats and printed then out in labels of 48 count attached them to suckers and placed them in different areas of the student center. I don't know if these stats will change anyone's opinion or make anyone care but even if it changed one person's mind about the whole thing I feel successful.
I would like to someday do something more dramatic to really put a face to these unborn babies but at least I did something besides just sitting back and letting it go like I usually do.
This subject is the only one I felt the most passionate about and the only one that I want to do more than anything, because "If a mother can kill her own child what else is there left to destroy in the West" -Mother Theresa. There are so many other options that a mother has as opposed to abortion. There are some reasons for it I do agree but when it gets to the point that 93% of the abortions are for birth control reasons and ONLY 1% because of RAPE or INCEST then we are doing something wrong!

I could improve this by doing more of the candy or instead of candy I could use condoms or the horrifying posters. I hope to build up to this.

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, your candy definitely made an IMPACT! A friend of mine and I were talking about our trip to DC for the March for Life and how it seems that even with almost 400,000 Americans marching on the Capitol we still weren't making an IMPACT. As we passed a table in the Griff we saw your suckers, as members of the pro-life club we knew this wasn't done by the group, but by some individual who felt called to share the truth! It totally inspired us and got us out of our pessimistic thinking... definitely an IMPACT!


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