06 April 2010


As stated on Meek Avenue: Your reflection question is to consider how might DESIGN play a role in this immediate community?

Please bring one answer (i.e: The WHAT, The HOW, THE WHERE, and THE WHY) to our next meeting. Also, those of you who had small research agendas, please bring any info you have gathered.

A quick wrap-up: Corey and I will discuss shirt designs and attempt to get something started. Megan and Theresa will be working on the poster or takeaway design, and the lemon aid stand. Ryan and Erin are finding tools for Friday and future use in the area. Britt is going to check grammar and writing for any design that goes out. Mac you are in charge of getting the buzz about whats going on and try to get people involved from the ODU community (and we all should be doing this together). Lauren, Jen and Sheena, can you all work on a social site for our group? A twitter page, facebook, blog, something that can house only info for the public about our group and what we are doing?

Friday those who can meet are going to start major clean up in the first vacant lot. Meeting at 11 (weather permitting).

Monday of next week we will be meeting at my Studio: 13 East Tulane Road (It is the red brick building right behind CupO'Joe on North High in Clintonville) 6pm Sharp. More info can be found here: www.itlookslikeitsopen.com and at: www.itlookslikeitsopen.blogspot.com

It was so good to see all of you becoming apart of a new community. Remember, Impact has multiple definitions and can be applied in so many ways.

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