19 April 2010


Here are some of the images:

14 April 2010


Hey all!

We only have THREE meetings left this semester to accomplish our goals of creating some kind of social impact. Therefore, we really need to kick it into gear and get to work! Please come prepared to our next class so we may get straight to work.

For next class go through all of your notes and blog posts to determine relevant information that should be included in our booklet. This booklet is the culmination of our efforts throughout this class and should show the highlights of our experiences and knowledge learned along the way. We will need to inlclude images and illustrations that were created also. Group the information you gather into these nine sections:

1. Doing GOOD design.
2. What is impact?
3. Define locality.
4. Get lost.
5. Dead ends.
6. Failure.
7. Communication/Talk to your neighbors
8. If you build it, they will come/ Being positive and making it happen!
9. The AH-HA moment!/ The answer is right in front of you

Some of you who were not there for class may not have info to include in some of these sections- that is alright. Just gather what you do have and be prepared to start making the book on Monday.

This is it! This is what we have been working for!

09 April 2010

07 April 2010

working around our identity

Ask asked,

I have made many sketches/thumbnails, have have found great ways to create a design with Ryan's official identity.

they will be on the blog asap

06 April 2010


As stated on Meek Avenue: Your reflection question is to consider how might DESIGN play a role in this immediate community?

Please bring one answer (i.e: The WHAT, The HOW, THE WHERE, and THE WHY) to our next meeting. Also, those of you who had small research agendas, please bring any info you have gathered.

A quick wrap-up: Corey and I will discuss shirt designs and attempt to get something started. Megan and Theresa will be working on the poster or takeaway design, and the lemon aid stand. Ryan and Erin are finding tools for Friday and future use in the area. Britt is going to check grammar and writing for any design that goes out. Mac you are in charge of getting the buzz about whats going on and try to get people involved from the ODU community (and we all should be doing this together). Lauren, Jen and Sheena, can you all work on a social site for our group? A twitter page, facebook, blog, something that can house only info for the public about our group and what we are doing?

Friday those who can meet are going to start major clean up in the first vacant lot. Meeting at 11 (weather permitting).

Monday of next week we will be meeting at my Studio: 13 East Tulane Road (It is the red brick building right behind CupO'Joe on North High in Clintonville) 6pm Sharp. More info can be found here: www.itlookslikeitsopen.com and at: www.itlookslikeitsopen.blogspot.com

It was so good to see all of you becoming apart of a new community. Remember, Impact has multiple definitions and can be applied in so many ways.

05 April 2010

our monday night in Franklinton.

I'd first like to thank you all for our collaborative thinking to make such an impact so quick, watch reactions of the community, and even see it break out immediately to members of the community to start participating.

Over all i'm thankful for how much my heart was filled today working with you guys, and really taking in what we've done. It feels great, and I hope you all have the same feelings in your heart.

Megan and I will be putting our two different photo's styles together tomorrow. As she focused on snapping shots of the before cleanup mess, and me snapping the spots after we cleaned, we will make something amazing.

you're all amazing people, and i'm glad i've learned so much from all of you.


04 April 2010

Letterhead Idea

I talked to Ryan and he said the square logo was the one he and Herb had been most interested in using. I agree, and created a letterhead design. We could print these out to give to people who live on Meek, or just use the template for any other letters we may send out.

I wasn't exactly sure of what to say in the letter, but if Theresa and Brittany have a chance to look at it and think anything needs changed just let me know.

03 April 2010

Some possible gardening help...

Dr. Mike Kelty, who is on ODU's Board of Trustees, is also a good family friend and some type of bigwig at Scott's. We just saw him over break and it wasn't until later that I remembered this. I think this is a great in! He's invested in the ODU community already and I think this could bring us a lot of needed supplies!
Just wanted to write it here on the blog before I forgot!