22 March 2010

Guerilla Gardening (I like the name..)

1. We need to see if we can do this without getting arrested! If that means obtaining permits, talking to banks that own foreclosed homes, or just doing it and hoping nothing bad happens we need to decide how we want to go about this.
2. Figuring out total cost… from dirt, to seeds, to tools, to marketing. Finding out our total cost is crucial and then finding out a way to on top of that to fund it. I saw somebody found a grant from the Columbus Dispatch, we could also fundraise by allowing people to “adopt” foreclosed homes, etc
3. Researching the best types of plants, flowers, vegetables, etc. I also think designing a specific piece of art, rather than just planting rows of flowers would be beneficial
4. Deciding where the gardens go and how many. In the next month and a half how many gardens can we realistically plant? Where should it/they go and why

1. I think honestly with the amount of time left we will just want to do it and hope nothing bad happens… Going through red tape with banks who now own foreclosed homes might take weeks, weeks that we honestly just don’t have.
2. I think we should try and keep the cost under $300 and give people the opportunity to get involved by “adopting” a home. However, this does run into a possible problem if we are doing it without explicit permission… many people may not want to become involved
3. I don’t know much about this, or how to best design a specific plot of land… I’m hoping one of you will
4. I think the garden should go in a home close to school and I think we should do 3. Enough that it’s a project and not one random garden, but not so many that it’s overwhelming.

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