14 February 2010

Human Progress

On Thursday night I started to work on the graphic for our group's poster. I created an illustration showing a general scene of people standing in a line to accompany the text, and then 2 steps of action to be put at the bottom of the poster:
Please let me know what you think, there is plenty of room to improve on this design!
Originally, I saw it as having three "steps in the illustration, but upon making the second and thinking of what to make for the third, I relized that the simplicity of there only being 2 steps made the poster even more effective, almost as to say "it's that simple, you turn around(1) and meet someone(2)." Other ideas for the graphic include the man who turned around facing the man behind him and producing an empty speech bubble, rather than the two hands about to form a handshake.
What do you think?

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