13 February 2010

For the project Megan, Ryan, Teresa, Corey, and I are working on I decided to look further into communicating with strangers. Since this project is about recognizing those around you as people and treating them with the dignity all humans deserve, I thought it would be fun to find a way to help those who are more shy, such as myself, find it easier to talk to the people you don't know that are all around you. When talking about this project as a group, I knew it was going to be something I, myself, was going to struggle with. I am not the first person to strike up a conversation with strangers I stand in line with. To go forth on this project, I will be stepping outside of the box and hopefully gaining a new sense of confidence. In a way I am excited and I think we could all benefit from becoming more open and willing. Not only will this project make an impact on others but myself too, because I will we able to strike up a conversation with anyone around me and therefore creating confidence to talk to people you don't know in the workfield. I do get very shy talking to people I don't know so I am excited to see where this project takes me and it will be fun to read about everybody else's stories on the blog. I read through this How to.. and I thought it was silly to read about a 'How to talk to strangers' but suprisingly it might be helpful. Check it out and get ready to talk to the humans you share at least one thing in common with, not just strangers! Whether its in line for the bathroom, or maybe the post office, or even sitting next to someone on a bus, talk to them and find out what else you share in common. Goodluck, I know I will need it!!!

Here is a little help for those others that don't usually strike up a conversation with strangers:


1 comment:

  1. I like this topic. I too am really shy and really uncomfortable with talking to new people. I have found that as I have gotten older (wow the ripe old age of 25) that it has gotten easier. It is kind of what Mac has said about being comfortable with being uncomfortable. Good luck Lauren!


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