13 February 2010

Financial Aid Reform

This week as my group and I have been working on ideas to move our project concerning financial aid reform forward, I can't help but be severely irritated about the topic overall...

**P.S. Group we need to find actual statistics about how much students are paying these days at private and public universities and compare those to the last few years.**

So many times this week I have wondered, WHERE IS MY MONEY GOING??? As all of you know I am on my umpteenth degree here at ODU so I have certainly been around and paid my fair share of tuition. Not to mention my first degree in photography cost A LOT of money for equipment alone. But what boggles my mind, is that after graduating from a four year program I came out without a single loan and my tution paid in full. And here at ODU I cannot take more than part-time hours because I simply cannot afford tuition.

.... here is where I get irritated...

At OU we had state-of-the-art facilities filled with top of the line Apple Computers, huge Epson printers, 2 extremely large studios, and enormous dark room , 2 computer rooms, and tons of lighting and camera equipment we could check out to use.

At ODU we have a leaking gallery, worthess computers, and limited supplies. WHERE IS MY MONEY GOING?

I know I am not the only one who feels this way, students and professors alike are fed up. I am glad we are taking a stand and finding a way to say outloud what everyone else is thinking.


  1. I think it is great to ask where our money is going, (in fact i ask myself that daily), but one thing we have to remember is that the major difference between a public and private college is the source of their funding. Public universities receive money from the state that helps them underwrite the cost of education. Private universities are dependent...on tuition dollars to cover the cost.

  2. I agree with you... we do pay a lot for pretty outdated resources. Where does our money go? I know private universities do depend on student tuition, but I have gone to both private and public colleges. When I transferred out of my previous private college, they were in the process of installing a decent sized computer lab.

    Also, the college also had a laptop program where they had handed out over 4000 laptops for my incoming freshman class, and they weren't cheap laptops for the time. The only thing I can think of is that our money is probably going to the so-called "Student" related buildings appearing on campus.

  3. I have to agree with you Sheena. I would also like to know where our tuition money goes. Does it go to anything that benefits us? As an art major it is frustrating to not only have to pay our tuition at ODU but when they can't even provide a Mac lab or art supplies, that adds to the price of tuition. Maybe if ODU spent just one month turning the lights, computers, and tvs off in the Griff they could "afford" our Mac Lab. I think what you guys are doing for your project is a very good idea and I hope you guys can make progress here at ODU! Goodluck and I'll be standing behind all of you.


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