29 January 2010

A week of micro-impact

TUESDAY - As others chose to do the same, I started my first day of impact to gain reaction from a smile. With this type of attempt to gain impact, i can immediately tell if there is any gratification or a negative reaction. I would start the day off in my car, and staring into others vehicles, giving a smile, and observing the reaction. Coming into this I knew that ones sex would matter a great a deal in reaction, however, i did not expect the setting you are in, is just as crucial as ones sex. In a car, i've never really cared to stare into every car in near distance, and look into ones face. There's too many important things to do while driving, i've never cared to look into a car at somebody, or for this matter attempt to gain their reaction. About everybody gave me eye contact, and many gave me a smile. However the majority of smiles came from women and elderly people, whereas men did not give any reaction back from my smile other than a quick withdrawal from eye contact.
At the school and a store, in public it seems the majority of passerby's would look me in the eye and like the car, women were in the majority that smiled back, while men would make eye contact, but quickly draw there eyes elsewhere.
WEDNESDAY - Once again I took my impact studies to the car with myself, but this time with risk. With life giving stress from deadlines and timing, the road can be quite stressful. I had a few ideas which were legal, but would most likely be an obvious answer to assume. I chose to drive the speed limit on cruise control in the fast lane for a day. On a normal day alone without this experiment, I always wonder the reason why people drive erratically. What are they late for, where do they need to be, or why do they drive the way they do?
I found the majority of people took the right lane if available to pass me, giving no reaction other than their commitment to going faster than the one ahead of them. Some just wanted to be ahead of the pack and swerving through every lane, battling the next to be the fastest on the road. Others which happened about 1/4 of the time genuinely freaked out. Though results were scattered and some happened more than others, I encountered some words i could read from ones mouth, honking, or just dirty looks. We all know the consequences, but we still hurry no matter the situation, or who we pass, as long as one with a badge isn't near by.

THURSDAY - On this day I decided to impact myself for the better. I do have to give Megan a shout out, as she demonstrates this a lot, and I respect her for it. It seems being busy is a topic that is important in all of my impact experiments. As a commuter it takes a lot of gas to go to school, work, the store, and much, much more. Though 2 of my classes were canceled this day, I still came in, to turn something in, and just keep busy with my homework around quiet campus areas. Though my mind told me to turn my work in and go do something fun with friends until class, I wanted to reduce my unnecessary consumption of gas. At school, it's a much easier setting to get school work done as it has less distractions for my mind. I got a lot more done than I would've with my normal study habits. Everybody needs a break from school work. Sometimes I would get up and walk around, other times I would walk a distance to get something to eat, drink, switch locations and more. It felt good to consume less and get more things done to lessen the stress school ccan bring.

FRIDAY - After getting so much school work done yesterday, I had a little free time today. I decided to impact two people today. I really didn't have many expectations or what I wanted to do for my grandparents to impact them, but knew at least something would come up in conversation I could gesture myself to do for them. Before heading over to visit my grandparents, I decided to print large and use my photo matte, to give them something of my own work, while I had the recourses laying around. As with most grandparents, they love to feed me. After I enjoyed my Dinner/Dessert, I took all of our dishes to the sink and washed them. Through conversation, i found their oil was in need of change in one of their vehicles. Winter in Ohio keeps us indoors, so it was understandable why it hadn't been changed in so long. With weather not a bother to myself, and my grandpa in supply of the correct oil and filter I was pleased to change it without ruining my clean clothes. It was obvious through the day that my courteous gestures were greatly appreciated and elevated their moods. At first I could say the large print was planned to bring gratitude, but throughout the day my random courtesy was not expected to planned to be, therefor I feel it was true.

1 comment:

  1. On Tuesday, with the smile thing...I kind of wonder as a Communication Major if there is a difference in the way the two either made eye contact or not. You also said that majority of women smiled back at you. I wonder why? Just me being curious...neverthless, great post.


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