15 January 2010

Fight Bad Fads with "Good" Ads

After reading the first few pages of "Do Good Design" I have to say that I agree with most of the things brought up.

Designers have a great influence on people, that this "power" can do, and does both good and bad. I do have to add that the designer may have a huge push of influence, but it is my opinion that in the end, it is the viewers' choice. We should still change the way advertisements are now because of that huge push of influence. It is still the viewers' choice but a problem is that the viewer doesn't have all of the information at the same time they are viewing the ad. As consumers and designers, we need to be educated and help educate on the things that we see in our daily lives and know both the reward and the consequences.

When reading "Do Good Design" I thought of an example of something my mom had once said to me. She had come up to me once a few days before my birthday a while back and asked what I had wanted. She had then gone on asking if I had wanted some kind of purse because all of her co-workers had one (or many). Because everyone else had something, which is the reason why I needed to get something? So as I type this, I thought of that question asked, why do we consume? Do we really need something? Fads, the want for something we don't really need or can't afford, and advertisement. At this point I looked up advertisement for popular name brand purses, go take a look for yourselves. Personally, I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on something my pocket can do, and where in come cases, my pocket can do a better job.

Now will I do good design? My idea is to take the first window that opens after graduation, especially in this economy. I don't know where exactly I will end up at this point. I don't know if will create "good" moral designs or not, especially in cases where I may be pretty much told what to make; since of course, things should be make to benefit sales in the eyes of most businesses.

It frightens me that our creations can do such things and I don't believe advertisement can or will change anytime soon, more things need to be done. As consumers and designers we need to help inform people of the possible consequences and battle negative advertisement.


  1. You mention that advertising will probably not change any time soon and you are probably right, but should we let it take a slow course? I was thinking while I was reading your comments; why should we let businesses get away with this? Is it because we need a pay check or because we do not know how to challenge them. I say we start revolting against advertisements like these as designers.
    I am tired of other people dictating what I should buy. Maybe as designers the only way to beat these companies is at their own game. They design a commercial that spits out the false facts and we research it and pick it apart and come up with a commercial or a billboard or our own way of advertising the truth.
    Wasn't it Pablo Picasso that made a comic strip about a certain leader that was massacring an entire town. So, Pablo Picasso made a comic strip about the whole truth that had happened and then he also made a huge mural to the affect of how he saw what was happening to the world around him.
    These actions made him a target of this specific dictator but he just kept telling the truth in all of his work. I think it is about time to do something dramatic. Something that the business would not expect. I know this seems a little crazy but I live on the north end of Columbus and things need to change.
    I was thinking about all these mom and pop places around my end of town that have been open for 50-60 years and now they are gone! Cities are crumbling around us, families going hungry, and laws that are being passed without our even knowing how the heck they got there. I am tired of it! Tired of allowing people with power and pull to judge what happens in this country.
    I say it is about time us designers, artists, and anyone who cares to get together and start a change; to start taking control of these decisions that we are supposed to be making for ourselves. It is time we took some responsibility for our actions. Enough sitting around and watching from the sidelines no more manipulation and a little more movement!

  2. We live in country where money is power. Big corporations continue to flourish because we do what they want us to do. We continue to view and heed their ads. I thought it was interesting how you mentioned the fall of the mom and pope business in your comment Erin. When my ancestors came to America in the early part of the last century, it was a land of promise with "diamonds in the sidewalks, and gutters filled with song". It was a land of opportunity where a man or women could open their own little business and have their piece of the Amercan dream. Today I see our country moving away from that and it disheartens me. We as the young artists and designers of this nation can change trends through good desing. We can move away from the big corporations and rebuild that American dream. Where everyone has their piece of that pie, and no ones piece is bigger than anyone elses. Call me an idealist

  3. I completely agree that the situation is not just one-sided. As designers, yes we have a responsibility to use our talents wisely and in a way that wont cause harm. And yes also, it is ultimately the viewers choice.

    I think that you nailed it on the head when you stated, people need to be educated. People need to think a little more and not follow the prettiest package or the latest fad blindly. Just going with the flow and not asking why do we consume? Do I really NEED that or do I just want it because everyone else has it. These are important things to consider.


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